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Welcome to Soundman's Film Page
Created By: Erik & George

Midi Section: Midi section under construction

Mulholland Drive: Just put in the review for the new movie Mulholland Drive


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Big Thanks goes out to Paul Newnham in England for getting me started with web design. If you need a great web site you can email Paul at paul@canz.com

Welcome To Soundman’s Film Page: In this domain you will find reviews by our critic -George. He wills analyze the films you love, and the films you hate. George will review the films he sees that deserve to be reviewed and give you his opinion. George & I welcome you to see pictures of the films that are exhibited for your viewing pleasure. A top ten list from the creators, George & Erik, Dozens of midi-files and quotes.

Note From the Web Master: Ok well I saw it. I saw Harry Potter, man I was disappointed. Maybe its just because I read the book. Well George doesn't like my reviews so I'm not going to write anymore. Mulholland Drive is still on the update list. I've started to do the construction on the Midi Section. George is going to see Harry Potter soon, so he will write the review for it. I gave it **½.

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