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The official Stanley Kubrick Web site- Kubrickfilms.com

 For great movie reviews- Rottentamatoes.com

A useful web site for film script reviews and information on upcoming movies- Darkhorizons.com

For the unofficial Nine Inch Nails page- Nin.net

The official Nine Inch Nails page- Nin.com

The site for reading reviews and interviews on musicians- Rollingstone.com

Shopping for everything- Amazon.com

Great selection of all kinds of music- Cdnow.com

The official Radiohead page-  Cadiohead.com

Go here for great Java games- Ccl.netfirms.com

Great band, Visit to hear a demo of there music. Mix of all kinds of music, Rock, Reggae, Alternative. The Chucky Luv Band- Chuckyluv.com